스쿼드론42 비숍 제독 연설 자막

by Sobu
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Sobu 2019.11.15 18:30
0 3588 주소복사

비숍 제독이 연설을 하게 된 배경 

2945년 10월 5일 반둘의 베가행성계 침략으로 'Aremis' 가 (베가2 행성) 초토화가 됩니다

이때 베가-버질로 이어지는 점프포인트 주변에 대기중이었던(왜 대기중이었냐고 나중에 의혹을 받습니다)

비숍제독이 지휘하는 2함대가 반둘을 물리칩니다.

빡친 비숍이  5일 뒤 태양계에서 열린 상원의회 긴급소집에서 반둘 전면전 승인을 촉구하기 위한 연설을 하게 되며

의원들의 압도적인 지지로 전면전 승인이 납니다. 

아래는 연설 원문이며, 자막은 연설의 맛을 살리기 위해 개인적으로 수정하였습니다.

For 200 years we have battled the Vanduul. We have called these attacks raids, or   or incursions. But I am here to tell you that we are at war. Tiber, Orion, Caliban, Virgil: once human systems, all but abandoned in the face of the enemy. The Vanduul are at our gates, weapons bared, while we, we hide and cower, retreating as they burn and decimate everything around us. We can not let the tragedy of Vega happen again. We can not give the Vanduul any more ground. To defend this empire, we must attack! And we have to be committed to that attack, whatever the cost may be. We have to rebuild our fleet. We have to use the power of human innovation to reclaim these so called 'red systems' and strike back at the enemy. This will not be an easy fight. It will cost us. In resources. In credits. And in lives. But some of you may be asking why undertake such a thing and I can tell you in one word. Victory. For if there's one thing the Vanduul has taught us, it's that without victory, there can be no survival.

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